
These are the inspiring words of Early Cuyler in the following exchange on Squidbillies, a ridiculous cartoon.

Dan Halen: I think what most impresses me, Earlie, is the effort and detail which you've clearly shown in urinating on my laptop.
Earlie Cuyler: I don't care to consort with those of the robot race.
Dan Halen: ...and why would you? I think that about covers it. Earlie, welcome to Dan Halen Sheetrock, International.

I just heard about this show recently thanks to a conversation with Jolie O'Dell. Here's a description of the show from a fan site.

Squidbillies is an animated tv show produced by Williams Street Studios and aired on Comedy Network's Adult Swim. It is written by one of the original creators of Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Radical Axis takes on the animation and Ben Prisk designs the backgrounds. The show itself details the antics of a family of hillbilly squids living in the North Georgia mountains. Squidbillies revolves primarily around the characters Early Cuyler and his son Rusty Cuyler, living in poverty, and attempting to reconcile their relationship after Early's fifteen year sentence for armed robbery.

I know I'm late to the show, but it's hilariously strange and strangely hilarious. I was a big Aqua Teen fan, so this show fills the hole of absurd awkwardness left in my life.

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