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Help sustain a political organization that's helped make me who I am

(from an email i sent to friends)
I don't do this. I don't send fundraising emails asking you to show up at events and give money to "causes." I have done so via Facebook and Twitter updates, but I'm not the guy that hits up his rolodex for organizations via email... until now I'm sending this message to many of the people who I think are intelligent, important and relevant both to my professional/political life and the times we are in. 


I apologize that I can't write each of you one by one, but know that I'm writing this note with care, and that you were selected with purpose. Please read and consider participating in whatever way you can.

Save the date: on Saturday, May 1st you are invited to join the company of activists, bloggers, elected officials, rabble-rousers, & unapologetic Liberals at THE LIVINGLIBERALLY ANNUAL CELEBRATION IN NEW YORK CITY 


Get your tickets now


For the past 7 years, Living Liberally 'has been creating progressive social communities across the country. In New York, some of you have enjoyed happy hours, comedy shows, film screenings, forums, guest speakers and so much more.


I was the co-chair of Drinking Liberally in Cambridge, MA and joined Laughing Liberally in 2004. My affiliation with Living Liberally has been far more responsible for my political  aturation, social activism and professional successes than any connection I've had with the Democratic party or entertainment and media executives.


Simply put, if you appreciate the work I do, you should show your appreciation For Living Liberally by attending our event this Saturday or at least giving even a modest donation


The event is gonna be hot. *I* will be there, so there's that :) More important, we are honoring SEIU and the amazing food activist Dr. Marion Nestle. As if that weren't enough, the MC will be GRITtv's Laura Flanders, who is one of the smartest and most politically savvy people I have ever met.


Around the country, people need this type of liberal network more than ever. As we hear about the Tea Baggers in the news, many of us ask, "Where is OUR Tea Party?"


Well, the fact is there are liberals in over 300 cities that are drinking something stiffer than weak tea. Drinking Liberally chapters are often the first stop for candidates trying to reach progressive audiences and for local advocates looking to recruit for their campaigns.


In some cities, it's the only event that welcomes "liberals," providing a necessary destination for those who want to create a more progressive future for our country.


The Living Liberally team is only able to create this network with your support. Each year, the Annual Celebration gathers allies, honors partners and pulls in the necessary resources for the work ahead. 


At the event, we'll also enjoy great sustainable food from Eating Liberally, toast with an open bar and celebrate in terrific political company.
So join me: Saturday, May 1st -- May Day! -- at DCTV in Lower Manhattan.


Tickets are now available:


Even if you can't join in person, please support this effort. Every small donation helps to start new chapters, support our fellow Liberals in conservative areas and grow an effective social-cultural movement on the Left.